Monday, August 27, 2007

Quick update

Hi all, just a quick update. Haven't been blogging for awhile.

Spend the whole of Saturday afternoon to clean up the place. I mopped the floor for 3 times. Not that I am kiasu, but because I used too much cleaning solution, after the 1st round of clean, the floor was sticky. No choice, I have to clean the floor again with clean water, twice. Now it feels better, but I have to clean it again... sigh....

Zach is now 9 months old. He is learning to recognise things and words. Now, when we ask him: "Zachary, where is the light/fan?", he will point the object to us. What a clever boy. = D

Oh... I forgot to update on the part where Zach fell out the bed and our new sofa. Never before did he fell off anything, but at our new place, he did. 1st, was on the bed. Mich put him to bed (our bed), he fell asleep there. Mich was in the other room doing something, next, she heard 'pop', sound of 'something' fell onto our laminated floor, it was Zach. Thank God he was alright.

Next was the sofa, I was fixing his playpen infront of the sofa, Mich & Zach was sitting there watching, and Mich decided to help me with the playpen, it was just a split second that Mich eyes was off him, next thing I saw was Zach falling off the sofa with his forehead hitting the floor. Man, I was shocked and speechless. Holding my 2 hands on my head (in shock), Mich held him up and hugged him, he was crying badly. Sad, my heart sank... but once again, thank God, he was protected and held by God's hand. After awhile, he as back to normal, happy and playful.

More updates to come when I get home.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My lovely wife and my handsome boy...

Hello everyone, meet my wife and son.....

(pix taken onboard StarVirgo too, 19 May 07)

Channel 5 Cares - Stories of Love

Does this pix remind you of the mascot....?

(pix taken during our cruise trip,
when Zach was 6 months old, 19 May 07)

The sofa has arrived

Hmm.... I think the sofa is a bit too big. The living room seems smaller now.... oh well....
Enjoy the sofa now and decide what to do with it later.

I'm sure the sofa is big enough for my G12 bros, or the ladies. = D

Friday, August 17, 2007

Part 2... Kitchen pix

Oh, you get to see my lovely wife...

Pix of our home.... (changing the word 'my' to 'our'... requested by Mich's colleagues)


Just finished fixing up Zach's bed. Tonight, he is sleeping on his own bed, in his own room for the first time in our new home. Hope he sleeps well.

Okay, just to show you all some pix of our new place, just the living, dining and kitchen for now...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Solid top....

Sigh... slept at 0230hrs... why? All because of the kitchen cabinet solid top.

The installation created a big mess. The installation guy needed to cut the piece to make it fit and then polish it to make it smooth... it left a thick layer of very fine 'dust' everywhere.

If my I.D. (from Rezt & Relax) had told me earlier that this will happen, I would have made all necessary preparation to keep the mess to the minimum. After the guy left, the CityGas guy came to link the gas pipe to the cooker hob, and then the plumber came to install the kitchen sink and other stuff, last of all the capenter came to install the handles for our wardrobe. All these... all because my I.D. didn't do his job well.

Sob sob... after all has been done, it was time for dinner. Went out, had dinner with Mich, afterwhich, I went to the DIY shop to get some stuff for our new place and went home to start the cleaning.... sigh... all cleaning work stopped @ 0200hrs. Took a break, had a cup of instant noodles, took a shower and KO'd. Super tired now.

BTW, Zach's growing well and adapting quite well to our new house too. He is really growing up fast, and still as adorable every time I look at him. In 5 days' time, he will be 9 months old, and soon, he will be celebrating his 1st birthday... *smile*

Monday, August 13, 2007

Short update

No internet connection for the time being, it will only be up tomorrow (Using office PC now, heehee...) . Was sick last friday, packed till late night around 0330hrs, went to work in the morning, came home and continued packing till the movers arrived. Man... Breakthrough movers are really efficient movers... they are super fast.

After we settled in a bit, I vacuumed the floor, Mich mopped the floor on her knees! We were both exhausted, still very tired till today, I need a break.

On half day again today... why? All because my interior designer cannot deliver his work on time. We shifted in with a kitchen without the solid top surface on the cabinets... they are coming today to complete the work, so that my plumber can come and fix up the kitchen sink, install the cooker hob and CityGas people can come and install the gas to the hob. Chain reaction man.... 'well done' to my I.D. (from Rezt & Relax)

Will update more when my phone and internet connection is up.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Alirght, just a quick update. Busy with work, come home, busy with son and busy with packing.... packing all our stuff to be brought over to our new place this Friday. Yes, we are finally shifting. After about 1.5 months of renovation. Oh, 2 days ago, our balcony was flooded. Somehow, the pipe in the balcony was chocked. Some probably, someone was doing washing above and wash down all sort of rubbish and chocked up the 'L' part of the pipe and the ground level. Thank God, plumber from the town council came and clear it.

To date, all renovation works are done, the kitchen cabinet and master room wardrobe are in progress. The painter are coming today (08/08/07) to do some final touch up and everything should be ready by Friday. The handover will be on 11/08/07. Yippe!!!!