Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A bit duh.....

No time to blog nowadays.... busy with work, career and ministry on my mind. Even no time to play my PSP recently.... well, good and bad. PSP is just for my entertainment, doesn't really add value to my life. So, thinking of selling it away... to fund my photography which will help me bring in some extra income. Hope to get some shooting job from my MIL's RC.

Who said HR is a boring job.... I spend the whole afternoon yesterday just to 'handle' a bugger. Really a #$%@*! bugger. Going against company policy and still make so much noise giving all kinds of excuses.... unbelievable. And he even went around and spread his anger against me.
So... what should I do with this kind of people? Be patient and educated the bugger or kill the bug....hahaha....

Will be discussing with my new boss about my job and career prospect this afternoon. Finger crossing...

Ministry... the Incredibles.... it's really challenging. Not easy, but challenging, and really need God's wisdom to do it. I need manpower too.... Need to call on the name of God, Jehovah Jireh, God my provider...

Alright.. will take a break for now... see ya

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can I be your "womanpower", dear?